Książęca para w Kornwalii i na Wyspach Scilly - Dzień Pierwszy - Aktualizacja (Dużo zdjęć !)

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Dziś książęca para odbyła pierwszy dzień swojej 2-dniowej wizyty w Kornwalii i na Wyspach Scilly ! Odwiedzili organizację charytatywną zajmującymi się problemami psychicznymi dzieci i młodzieży, później udali się do hurtowni piw, która obchodziła swoje 30 - lecie. Z tej okazji Kate i William odsłonili pamiątkową tablicę. Książęca para otrzymała także dwie butelki cydru podpisane swoimi imionami. Następnie Kate i William zawitali na budowę domów i lokali przemysłowych, które mają za zadanie dawać nowe zatrudnienie dla lokalnych mieszkańców, tym samym likwidując bezrobocie w ich obrębie. Pierwszy dzień swojej wizyty w Kornwalii i na Wyspach Scilly, książęca para kończy na plaży, gdzie przygląda się surfingowi i pasjom wodnym dzieci i młodzieży. W międzyczasie Kate i William spotkali się z mieszkańcami, którzy obdarowali książęcą parę m.in. piękną, brązową ramką ze zdjęciem Królowej Matki. 

The Duke and Duchess Of Cambridge Visit Cornwall : News Photo

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit Truro Cathedral at the start of a day-long tour of Cornwall

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with the Venerable Roger C Bush, Dean of Truro, during their visit to Truro Cathedral

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge speak to Mike Hicks as they visit Truro Cathedral

You go first! Kate checks out what her husband is doing as they prepare to sign a slate for a campaign to raise funds for a new roof on Truro Cathedral 

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge taking part in the 'sign-a-slate' project in support of the place of worship's roof appeal as they visit Truro Cathedral

The mayor and other local dignitaries welcome the royals who are undertaking a rare away day to the South West 

Kate received flowers from excited well wishers who were keen to get a snap of the royal visitor

The Duchess leaned in to greet one of the younger members of the crowd after being presented with yellow roses

The Duchess was charmed by a young boy who felt suddenly shy in the presence of royalty, covering his face as she bent down to chat to him 

Kate spent time greeting some young fans outside Truro Cathedral 

Mother-of-two Kate meets a very young royal watcher as she visits Nansledan

William and Kate chatted to youngsters at Zebs Youth Centre, a space for young people to be creative through activities such as photography 

The couple chatted to staff at Zebs, a youth centre that aims to connect with teenagers through creative activities

During their visit to Zebs Youth Centre the couple learned about the facilities on offer to young people. It offers a space where they can meet friends, learn creative skills and get support

In great spirits: The royals were seen laughing as they chatted to teenagers at Zebs Youth Centre

The royal couple pose with staff and members during their visit to Zebs Youth Centre

Kate and William learn how the Nansledan development will provide housing and future business opportunities for the local area 

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge share a joke with construction workers as they visit Nansledan, a 218-hectare site that will provide future business and housing for the local area - as Sam (far right) prepares to snap a selfie

Has she done this before? The Duchess looked very much at home while pulling a pint of Rattler Cider

The Duchess was a good sport and got behind the bar to pull a pint, but didn't seem to keen on drinking it herself

Kate and William were presented with personalised bottles of cloudy cider during their day of engagements in Cornwall 

Kate carried a small woven box clutch as she commenced a day of engagements in Cornwall with a visit to Truro Cathedral 

The Duchess looked the picture of elegance in a pale pink dress by Lela Rose as she arrived in Cornwall with William this morning

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