Książęca rodzina na ślubie!

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Wczoraj nadarzyła się niezwykle rzadka okazja do zobaczenia książęcej rodziny Cambridge na ślubie! I nie chodzi tylko o Catherine i Williama, ale co najważniejsze o księcia George'a i księżniczkę Charlotte! Wczoraj najlepsza przyjaciółka Kate, Sophie Carter stanęła na ślubnym kobiercu, a drużkami było samo książęce rodzeństwo! Ślub odbył się w Norfolk. Warto również wspomnieć, że Sophie jest matką chrzestną Charlotte.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte made their third march down the aisle in the last few years on Saturday (Sept. 22) for Kate's dear friend Sophie Carter, who tied the knot with Robert Snuggs at St Andrew's Episcopal Church in Norfolk, where the Cambridges have their country home. Prince William and Kate's eldest son was pageboy while their daughter took another turn as bridemaid, clad in a pretty floral crown like her mom. The Middleton family was also on hand for the festivities, including Carole, Michael and James, though pregnant Pippa sat this one out. While Prince George stole the show with his hilarious marching antics and funny faces, Charlotte seemed sweetly calm in the arms of her mom and the bride. <strong>Click through to see all the best photos from the Cambridge family's big day out...</strong>
<p>Photo: &copy; Mark Stewart Photography Ltd

Cheeky Prince George stuck out his tongue at the photographer from behind a fellow attendee, clad in his adorable blue and white pageboy outfit. 
<p>Photo: &copy; Mark Stewart Photography Ltd

At one point Prince George started marching, much to the amusement of their mom Kate, who is still finishing up her maternity leave after giving birth to Prince Louis. It's believed that the third Cambridge kid was at home with his nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo. 
<p>Photo: &copy; Mark Stewart Photography Ltd

The pageboys, including five-year-old George, wore white collarless double-breasted shirts with blue linen short pants and white tights and penny loafers.
<p>Photo: &copy; Mark Stewart Photography Ltd

Prince George was pointing something out to his little friends and fellow pageboys.
<p>Photo: &copy; Mark Stewart Photography Ltd

Prince George was not impressed by whatever he saw!
<p>Photo: &copy; Mark Stewart Photography Ltd

Princess Charlotte gave the camera the sweetest smile while in her mom's arms.
<p>Photo: &copy; Mark Stewart Photography Ltd

Princess Charlotte wore a pretty white dress with a ribbed bodice and ruffled collar piped in blue and puffy short sleeves. The three-year-old also wore a floral crown, which she'd done before at her aunt Pippa Middleton's wedding last year.
<p>Photo: &copy; Mark Stewart Photography Ltd

Sophie and Robert posed with their adorable bridal party under an arch of greenery and flowers, with Sophie holding her goddaughter Charlotte in her arms. Sophie has a special relationship with Kate, with whom she's been besties for years, and the two have been spotted together in the stands at Wimbledon. 
<p>Photo: &copy; Mark Stewart Photography Ltd

In a particularly sweet moment, little Charlotte snuggled up to the bride, Sophie Carter, in a group photo with family members and the bridal party.
<p>Photo: &copy; Mark Stewart Photography Ltd

Moim zdaniem George to cały dziadek Michael, a Charlotte to mała kopia Williama ;)
A Wy jak myślicie? :)
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