Książęca w Kornwalii i na Wyspach Scilly - Dzień drugi

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Dziś książęca para odbyła drugi dzień swojej 2-dniowej wizyty w Kornwalii i na Wyspach Scilly ! Odwiedzili miasto Portmellon, potem udali się na wyspę St Mary’s, która wchodzi w skład wysp Scilly. Tam spotkali się z grupą wioślarzy. Później odwiedzili St Mary’s Harbour, gdzie odbywał się festiwal żywności. Mieli także okazję do rozmowy z lokalnymi producentami. 

Onlookers couldn't resist capturing a few snaps of the royal visitors 

The royals, pictured leaving The Eden Project, made their way to the Isles of Scilly after bad weather delayed their travel this morning

William and Kate being shown around the Mediterranean Biome, which has plants from Mediterranean climates around the world

The couple looked delighted to be visiting Cornwall's most popular tourist attraction - a visit that was arranged at the last minute

The Cambridges arranged the visit to the Eden Project this morning after their flight to the Isles of Scilly was delayed

William may have looked unsure, but he enjoyed a Baobab smoothie, which he said tasted a lot like mango

Kate and William are shown around by staff at The Eden Project. Their plans to travel to the Isles of Scilly were thwarted by bad weather 

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their guided tour of The Eden Project, which boasts the world's largest indoor rainforest

Kate told staff member Nicole White that George loves dinosaurs and would love to have met the baby muttaburrasaurus puppet

Kate chats to local dignitaries as she's shown around the island of St Martin's

William and Kate give a final wave as they head back to the chopper following their visit to the island of St Martin's

The islands are known for Scilly Flowers, a postal flower service which operates from St Martin's and the royal couple met members of the family run business

The royals meeting the team at Silly Flowers who specialise in winter blooms thanks to the unique climate

Kate swapped her wedges for a pair of flat loafers as the royal couple went on a walkabout in St Martin's

Kate shielded her eyes from the afternon sun with her favourite pair of Ray Bans shades 

William gestures to his wife as they take the opportunity to catch up in the midst of a busy day of engagements 

Kate received a warm welcome as she steps off the boat at St Martin's

Here at last! The royals were delighted to make it to St Martins where they were due to learn about the island's floral postal service and visit the community centre

A friendly wave from locals who had hung out the bunting to greet the royal guests 

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrive at the island of St Martin's during their visit to the Isles of Scilly

Kate shares a joke with staff at the Tresco Abbey Garden

The Duke of Cambridge walks with Robert Dorrien-Smith whose family have owned Tresco for generations 

After fears the weather would put a stop to their visit, the royals looked delighted to have arrived in Tresco

The Duchess was delighted to receive a small posy of flowers from a young boy

After heavy fog delayed their flight, the royals finally arrived on Tresco to visit the Tresco Abbey Garden

Kate and William outside the Shell House - the interior of which is decorated with murals made out of shells

Kate flashes her sapphire and diamond engagement ring, which belonged to William's mother Princess Diana, as she brushes her hair away from her face

William and Kate wave to onlookers as they depart from Tresco 

Goodbye Cornwall & Scilly Islands !

Kate teamed her outfit with the same nude wedges from Monsoon and box clutch she sported yesterday 

Pozdrawiam i życzę dobrej nocy ! :)

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