Księżna Kate na otwarciu Hampton Court's Magic Garden, w Anna Freud Centre i na wystawie Vogue 100 : "A Century of Style"

Dziś księżna Kate odbyła swoje pierwsze wyjście w tym miesiącu. Odwiedziła fundację Anna Freud Centre i otworzyła nowy park fundacji, Hampton Court's Magic Garden.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge opens The Magic Garden at Hampton Court Palace on May 4, 2016 in London, England.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge opens The Magic Garden at Hampton Court Palace on May 4, 2016 in London, England.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge opens The Magic Garden at Hampton Court Palace on May 4, 2016 in London, England.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge opens The Magic Garden at Hampton Court Palace on May 4, 2016 in London, England.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge opens The Magic Garden at Hampton Court Palace on May 4, 2016 in London, England.

Później Kate odwiedziła fundację Anna Freud Centre, której jest patronką.

The Duchess Of Cambridge leaving a lunch in Support of the Anna Freud Centre����on May 4, 2016 in London, England.

Catherine, Duchess Of Cambridge attends a lunch in support of the Anna Freud Centre at Spencer House on May 04, 2016 in London, England.

A pod koniec dnia odwiedziła National Portrait Gallery, aby obejrzeć wystawę : "Vogue 100 : A Century of Style". 

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the 'Vogue 100: A Century Of Style' exhibition at National Portrait Gallery on May 4, 2016 in London, England. The Duchess appears on the cover of the centenary issue in June 2016.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the 'Vogue 100: A Century Of Style' exhibition at National Portrait Gallery on May 4, 2016 in London, England. The Duchess appears on the cover of the centenary issue in June 2016.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the 'Vogue 100: A Century Of Style' exhibition at National Portrait Gallery on May 4, 2016 in London, England. The Duchess appears on the cover of the centenary issue in June 2016.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge is seen leaving the 'Vogue 100: A Century Of Style' exhibition at National Portrait Gallery on May 4, 2016 in London, England. The Duchess appears on the cover of the centenary issue in June 2016.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the 'Vogue 100: A Century Of Style' exhibition at National Portrait Gallery on May 4, 2016 in London, England. The Duchess appears on the cover of the centenary issue in June 2016.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the 'Vogue 100: A Century Of Style' exhibition at National Portrait Gallery on May 4, 2016 in London, England. The Duchess appears on the cover of the centenary issue in June 2016.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the 'Vogue 100: A Century Of Style' exhibition at National Portrait Gallery on May 4, 2016 in London, England. The Duchess appears on the cover of the centenary issue in June 2016.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the 'Vogue 100: A Century Of Style' exhibition at National Portrait Gallery on May 4, 2016 in London, England. The Duchess appears on the cover of the centenary issue in June 2016.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the 'Vogue 100: A Century Of Style' exhibition at National Portrait Gallery on May 4, 2016 in London, England. The Duchess appears on the cover of the centenary issue in June 2016.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge with Alexandra Shulman (L) and Nicholas Cullinan visit the 'Vogue 100: A Century Of Style' exhibition at National Portrait Gallery on May 4, 2016 in London, England. The Duchess appears on the cover of the centenary issue in June 2016.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the 'Vogue 100: A Century Of Style' exhibition at National Portrait Gallery on May 4, 2016 in London, England. The Duchess appears on the cover of the centenary issue in June 2016.

Pozdrawiam ! :) 

2 komentarze :

  1. Wow. Super blog. A dopiero teraz na niego trafilam :(
    A co do stroju kate to mnie nie zachwycil ,ale za to upiecie wlosow super;) milo jest tez powspominac , bylam w palacu hampton cpurt i w otaczajcym go parku, robi niesamowite wrazenie !!

    Ps chcialam cie taz zaprosic na swojego bloga o ksieciu harrym : http://prince-harryofwales.blogspot.com


  2. Dziękuje ci bardzo ! Co do stroju Kate moim zdaniem wyglądała ładnie, ale nie spełniła moich oczekiwań w stu procentach ;) Szczerze mówiąc nigdy nie słyszałam o tym pałacu, dlatego muszę nadrobić tą zaległość i trochę o nim poczytać :) Dzięki za link do bloga, na pewno spojrzę, bo od dawna chciałam zgłębić wiedze o Harrym, a nigdzie nie mogłam znaleźć o nim informacji i myślę, że ten blog to zmieni i od tej pory będe na bieżąco z jego wyjściami :)

    Pozdrawiam, Gabrysia


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